Liminal Room
An Entry for the SeedComp Game Jam (Planting Round)
Program: Photoshop
Time Spent: About a day
Date Completed: Jan. 5, 2023
Link to download:
The SeedComp Game Jam is a game jam for interactive fiction in two parts: the Planting Round and the Sprouting Round. During the Planting Round, each participant submits "seeds" to be used in the next round. Seeds can be anything from writing prompts and unfinished IF projects to pieces of music or art. In the second round, each participant can use as many seeds as they wish to create a new IF project.
For my submission, I decided to create a piece of digital art using Photoshop. I have been inspired by liminal spaces for several months now, and I decided that I wanted to try my hand at creating such a space. For this image, I used the paintings of Giorgio de Chirico and of Ferdinanda Florence as inspiration.
This image is licensed under CC-BY and may be downloaded from the link provided above.